Kristina Wentzell Fine Art

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

a squirrel proof birdfeeder that really works!

Okay, this might be a bit off topic…but this is for my fellow backyard bird feeders and is too good not to share. We’ve struggled with squirrels getting in our feeders for years. We tried it all but as many of you know, squirrels are clever lil’ varmints and always managed to get into and destroy our feeders.

Then we came up with this arrangement.  It is so simple (and cheap) but it works!  Every once in a while you will get one amazingly acrobatic squirrel who will find a way onto this feeder but in general, it is 99% effective.

How to make a squirrel proof bird feeder

To make it you will need:
  • a 10 foot 4x4 inch post
  • an 8 foot 2x4
  • 5-inch stove pipe (about 5-6 feet)
  • wood screws and lag bolts
Total cost: $25-30
Placement:  This is KEY.  You must place the feeder 10 feet away from any kind of tree or structure or hanging branches.  Remember, those varmints can JUMP!

  • Dig a hole and place the 4x4 post in the ground. You will need to bury it approximately 3 feet deep.  Tamp the ground firmly and make sure your post is secure and level.

  • Cut the 2x4 in half.  Position pieces in a cross position and attach with screws.  Attach the cross piece to the top of the pole (we used 3 lag bolts).  Attach the stove pipe to the top of the post. 

That’s it! Now you’re ready to attach the feeders.

The best part is watching the little devils scrabble futilely at the stove pipe. Ahhh, the fiendish delight I get in this.  Plus, you'lll get to watch way more of these:

Kristina Wentzell, cardinal, oil on canvas, 5 x 5 inches.  ©2011

Kristina Wentzell, goldfinch, oil on canvas, 5 x 5 inches. ©2011


  1. I'll try it because our little furry Einstein's destroy all our feeders. Our efforts to prevent squirrel raids knew no bounds. Just when we thought we outsmarted the rascals, they figured out how to undue our brainstorming. Some of our efforts actually thwarted the rascals but only for a short while. I read your suggestion recently elsewhere, lack of friction is key. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. I am so excited to build this for my mom! We have Shepard's hocks with stove pipe around it to keep the racoons away but the soft ground and high winds keep taking it down. So, I'm sure this will be the best solution. Thank you!


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